Milan U23 is born. While waiting for the official announcement, work begins on the Solbiate Arno stadium

With the exclusion of Ancona from the next Serie C championship, given the incomplete application submitted by the Doric club, we will proceed with the repechage, which will bring the third Team B into the Serie C championship: after Juventus and Atalanta, in fact, here is Milan Under 23 arriving in the third series, which is starting to take shape in view of the official inclusion in the staff for the 2024-25 season which will arrive on Friday during the Federal Council. With the team that will be entrusted to Daniele Bonera, the club has also started to work on the structures.

As we read in fact above, the costs allocated to the project amount to 12 million, and one of these has already been allocated to the modernization works of the ‘Felice Chinetti’ stadium in Solbiate Arno (near Milanello), where the baby Rossoneri should play their home games. In relation to this, the aforementioned portal shows the photo of the works already started.