Lumezzane, there is no agreement for the renewal of Capelli. Arzignano and Trapani are moving


An existing agreement which would however expire on June 30th, but with the possibility of an annual renewal option; However, there is no agreement between the parties, and so Andrea Capelli will not remain in Lumezzane. As indeed collected by the editorial staff of TuttoMercatoWeb.comthe club has opted for the separation from the offensive winger born in 1999, who however will not remain free for long, considering that the first suitors have started to come forward, at least with exploratory surveys in view of something more.

On the player, who closed the 2023-24 season with 36 appearances under his belt, followed by four goals and five assists, Arzignano and the newly promoted Trapani are already movingready to launch the assault after carefully monitoring the situation.