Gubbio, only the announcement for Degli Esposti is missing. Biennial for the new sports director

Gubbio starts again from Alessandro Degli Esposti, he will be the new sporting director of the Umbrian club. After leaving Casertana, the Spoleto manager is ready to sign a two-year contract with Gubbio. He will therefore take the place of Davide Mignemi, sporting director who in recent days said goodbye to Gubbio after three years.

Degli Esposti’s farewell to Casertana
“Casertana FC communicates that, upon the natural expiration of the contract scheduled for next June 30th, they will share paths with the sporting director Alessandro Degli Esposti. Thanks go to the director for the work done in these two years at the service of the rossoblu colors and best wishes for a continued career full of personal and professional satisfaction.”