Fiorentina, Ferrari in the Senate on the stadium issue: “Paradoxical situation in Florence”

During the meeting in the Senate linked to the prospects for the reform of Italian football, the Technical Director of Fiorentina Alessandro Ferrari intervened, as did the CEO of Bologna Claudio Fenucci, regarding the rules that govern football in our country. These are his words starting from the topic of the stadium: “On the topic of the stadium, we in Florence are experiencing a paradoxical situation. In June 2019, the president presented a project for a proprietary stadium. The superintendency rejected the project presented. We followed the municipality that took us to areas to be reclaimed and cleaned up, but we abandoned it because the situations were not feasible from both an economic and functional point of view. We went to look for land outside Florence and local politics did not help us in our search infrastructural solutions that serve near the stadium such as car parks or motorway exits.

We decided, on the advice of the Municipality of Florence, to renovate the athletics stadium, even if in the end the president of the region told us that that stadium cannot be touched. So we ended up knowing the Franchi as a monument recognized by the Ministry of Culture. Mayor Nardella was very good at obtaining the funds to modernize this monument and make it functional. One hundred, one hundred and forty million have arrived, but for the whole project another 100 are needed which aren’t there. Work began on June 1st and the economic damage, with a drop in jobs from 34 thousand to 22 thousand, is high. we are not sure where we will play in 25-26 and we were only able to have a one-year agreement because even the Municipality was not certain about the end of the works. We also sent a letter to the Municipality. This is what happens to an entrepreneur who spends around 450 million between Fiorentina Viola Park and management costs and has found himself in difficulty regarding the structures.”

“The rules and transparency have always been fundamental for us since we started. They must be rules that do not change in competitions. More precise and safer control is welcome. Lastly, the issue of young people is very important for us and seeing the difficulties for young people in Italy are a pain for everyone. However, the nurseries are not helped even in terms of infrastructure. We have studied a series of measures to overcome these limits.”