Cynthialbalonga, fullback Bigi towards the double jump? Serie B is starting to explore it


A season on the shields that of left back Niccolò Bigi, born in 2005 who shone in the Cynthialbalonga line-up, a team that played in Group G last season in Serie D, finishing the year in seventh place. In January the player had already been targeted by Cagliari as a prospect, but the negotiation did not come to fruition, now he has ended up in the sights of Serie B: as in fact gathered by the editorial staff of, Catanzaro, Cosenza and the newly promoted Carrarese like itwho was monitoring him even if he remained in C.

A double leap could therefore await the player, but it cannot be ruled out that, even in the event of a possible membership, he will then be sent to Serie C to gain more experience in professional football. In any case, these are premature arguments, first we will have to understand what his future will be. But news is expected soon.