Casertana, D’Agostino continues to work for the new sporting director: the latest

Joseph D’Agostino he is always at work because he is looking for the new sports director of Casertana: as reported by The morning in today’s edition, by mid-week the president should resolve the last doubts relating to the couple who will lead the rossoblù technical sector, with coach Vincenzo Cangelosi which remains waiting to start the next programming. For now everything seems silent regarding the possible name of the new manager: there seem to be two or three alternatives being examined by the owner, for now, but no decision seems to have been made. A series of summits are currently underway, then the final decision will be made.

The farewell with Degli Esposti
With an official note, Casertana announced the farewell of sporting director Degli Esposti whose contract will not be renewed. For the manager, signing with Gubbio for next season is getting closer and closer. Below is the statement from the Campania region:

“Casertana FC announces that, upon the natural expiry of the contract scheduled for next 30 June, they will share paths with the sporting director Alessandro Degli Esposti. Thanks go to the director for the work carried out in these two years in the service of the rossoblu and I wish you a continued career full of personal and professional satisfaction.”