Avellino, ag. Ricciardi: “Marriages are always done in two, let’s see what will happen”

What will Manuel’s future be? Ricciardi? Paul Procaccinito the microphones of Sportchannel, commented on the future of his client: “The numbers are on his side but we expected a different ending. Maybe it doesn’t stain Manuel’s season which is certainly the most positive but to date the bitter taste remains due to the lack of promotion. There is a contract, therefore a written agreement to be honoured, but as I always say, marriages are made in two. Let’s see if someone or Avellino himself will come knocking for an adjustment.” Reports TuttoAvellino.it.

“We will sit down with the director I condo and we will decide whether to continue or not. To date, Avellino is Manuel’s team and the one with which we are closest, a place that gives and takes away a lot at the same time. Out of respect for Avellino any decision will be made in agreement with the club.”