Retegui’s happiness: Liguria, Genoa and the possibility of flying to the European Championship with Italy

The happiness of Mateo Retegui. This is what transpires from the words that the Italian-Argentine center forward released to the notebooks of AS. “Everything works perfectly: every day I arrive and leave with a smile” she declared without hesitation to the Spanish media. The Genoa striker wanted to underline how comfortable he is in the shadow of the Lanterna in a team that he himself defines as “a family” with an important synergy with the management and a stadium, the “Ferraris”, which is “very warm”. The affection and warmth of the people had already been seen on the day of his presentation with thousands of cheering fans who filled Piazza De Ferrari on a late afternoon at the end of July.

One step away from double figures
The season that has just ended saw the rossoblù number 19 take to the pitch on 31 occasions between the championship and the Italian Cup, scoring a total of nine goals and three assists. The double figures didn’t arrive by a whisker but it should be underlined that between October and the end of December he only took to the field three times due to a knee problem first and then a muscle injury. With the advent of the new year his physical condition has improved and the goals have returned which have led to important successes such as those against Salernitana, Lecce and Udinese as well as the prestigious draw at San Siro against Milan 3-3.

From Liguria…to Liguria and the European
And to tell the truth, a bit of Liguria flows in Mateo’s hot South American blood. In fact, his great-great-grandfather was from Sestri Levante and emigrated to Argentina in the 1950s. Now the circle has closed with the arrival of Mateo in red and blue, the same color as the shirt of the Sestrese Corsairs. The blue of the Italian national team is also making its way between the two colors as the center forward is now preparing for tomorrow’s friendly match against Turkey which will precede the delivery of the final list of players who will leave for Germany. To have a bit of Genoa at the European Championship too.