On the night of the party, Venice is back in Serie A! Gytkjaer knocks out Cremonese

Three years after the last promotion, the Venice is back in Serie A. The formation of Paolo Vanoli on the night of ‘Penzo’ against one Cremonese always dangerous, she brings home what karma had taken away from her on the last day of the regular season, in favor of How.

Tense, hard-fought first half, perhaps not great, but given what was at stake, the opposite would have been strange. At 45′ it’s the Venice to go into the break in the lead thanks to a goal by Christian Gytkjaer in the 24th minute with an assist from Gianluca Busio. CremoneseHowever, very lively and for some parts of the first half even better than the home team. With Vazquez in the attacking midfield, Castagnetti directing the play and the pair of forwards good at not giving points of reference. The fact, however, that the grey-red player who kicked the most towards the goal is Sernicola highlights how there was a lack of concreteness in the last sixteen metres.

In the second half the match became even more nervous, with the spectacle becoming a collateral element. The match is played only and exclusively on nerves, with the team of Giovanni Stroppa who tries with Castagnetti, twice, the incoming Falletti and more. Too little when you have to win at all costs at the home of an opponent who has two results out of three in his favor.

“It was a masterpiece by the boys who deserved it – Vanoli himself said in the press conference -. From start to finish. I want to thank the club that gave me my first opportunity in the professionals. Furthermore, I think it’s a great credit of the people of Venice. We must enjoy this moment.”

Then when asked about the future he replies with a huge smile: “Don’t ask me anything. Now I want to enjoy it.”