Beccalossi: “I would have liked to play for this Inter, happy with Lautaro’s renewal”

The former Inter player Evaristo Beccalossi he spoke like this about the Nerazzurri club, to the microphones of YouTubers. Here are his statements, reported by “Football has changed compared to my time but I don’t consider myself nostalgic, in fact it’s nice to be able to experience it in the various phases. For example, I would have really liked to be able to play for this Inter: there are various players that I admire, mine at one time was made up of 7-8 players who grew up in the youth sector or came from Serie B, while now to get to those levels you have to be very prepared. I arrived at Inter at 22 years old and was already wearing number 10, but the most important thing 40 years later is to have left a good memory beyond the sporting results.”

A passage on Lautaro. “He is a great player, but above all he appears to me to be a very sensitive leader towards his teammates. I am very happy that he renews because the captain: always represents a symbol that should never be deprived of and with someone like Marotta who knows these situations well, it was inevitable that the renewal would arrive.”