Vicenza, Vecchi calls up 23 players for the match against Avellino: the complete list

The Vicenza announced the list of 23 red and white players called up by the coach Old for the second leg semi-final againstAvellinoscheduled for tonight, Sunday 2 June at 9.00 pm, at the Romeo Menti Stadium.

GOALKEEPERS: Confente, Gallo, Massolo

DEFENDERS: Costa, Cuomo, De Col, Fantoni, Golemic, Laezza, Lattanzio, Sandon

MIDFIELDER: Greco, Mogentale, Proia, Ronaldo, Rossi, Talarico

FORWARDERS: Busato, Conzato, Della Morte, Delle Monache, Ferrari, Pellegrini

Vecchi’s words on the eve
Vicenza coach Stefano Vecchi spoke like this, as reported by on the eve of the match against Avellino valid for the second leg semi-final of the Serie C playoffs: “These extra days of recovery compared to the tour de force will help us , it will be a match that will present some pitfalls, we in Avellino were good at not getting demoralized and playing a combative match, the team has shown great character, the dream is almost there and this match will allow us to get to where we want to go field to deserve to play these matches, we have turned around a season that seemed lost and we have rekindled great enthusiasm. I know that unfortunately there will be fans who will remain on the sidelines, but the rest will demonstrate that this is our home and if they want to come and win they will have to do a great job. match”.

He continues: “How is the team? They are all well and are recovering. Tronchin? We are forcing ourselves in every way to be able to have him eventually. What match do you want to play? We have never been a team that manages, we will have to play a courageous match and put everything, we have shown that we are strong and the whole environment knows that we are strong. The midfield? The fact that Rossi is well allows us to have more solutions, Greco runs a lot but he is young and has dynamism he’s very good one-on-one and created problems for Avellino, he could have done a little better in front of goal, we had the handbrake on a bit in accompanying him in front.”

In closing: “Vicenza fans outside and Avellino supporters inside? There are competent bodies and we need to ask them, in any case our people will make us feel that this is our home. The statements of the national media? The field speaks clearly, we have never had no favors from anyone otherwise we wouldn’t have achieved 21 consecutive useful results.”