Turin, a clean break with the past: Sanabria and Ilic also leaving. Three confirmations

A clean break with the past. Torino is ready to renew its player base for next season. The championship ended with a positive result, even if the failure to move towards a European position may have left a bit of a bad taste in the mouths of the fans. Ivan Juric’s team ranked ninth and, in the results, managed to gain some satisfaction. Now it’s time to change, to think about next year and with various changes regarding the staff.

Who will remain in the grenade shirt
There are undoubtedly some players who should remain in the squad next year too Saba Sazonov, Perr Schuurs And Adam Masina. Among the players who could be confirmed there would also be the midfielder Samuele Ricci and the outside Raoul Bellanova. The latter are among those confirmed unless there are indispensable offers.

The departing players
Who will instead be put on the market, reports today’s edition of TuttosportAnd Pietro Pellegri. The Granata striker is in fact leaving on a par with Philip Ilic And Antonio Sanabria in addition to Alexander Good morning, always highly coveted by top Italian clubs. The intention of Vagnati and the club is to put an end to the cycle of coach Ivan Juric.