The capital gains case is expanding: from Zaniolo to Nainggolan, 12 transactions are under observation

The capital gains case is spreading like wildfire. The Rome Prosecutor’s Office, which was investigating the Giallorossi club and to which last April 22 it had notified the request for indictment (in addition to James Pallotta, Mauro Baldissoni, Guido Fienga, Giorgio Francia, Umberto Maria Gandini and Francesco Malknecht), sent the documents to colleagues in Milan for Inter, Modena for Sassuolo, Bergamo for Atalanta and again to that of Rome for Napoli, which has its registered office in the capital.

The alleged crimes
The files have been opened, reports today’s edition of Tuttosport. Last 26 April for the crime of false corporate communications, article 2621 of the civil code, to identify any responsibilities linked to the teams with which the exchanges with Roma took place.

The operations under scrutiny by investigators
Under the magnifying glass there would be 12 operations ranging from 2017 to 2021. These would be transfers linked to Defrel, Marchizza and Frattesi, Zaniolo, Santon and Nainggolan as well as those of Cristante, Tumminello, Spinazzola and Luca Pellegrini, Manolas and Diawara. As regards the sale of Nainggolan, who went from the Giallorossi to Inter for 38 million euros, it should have generated a capital gain of 24 million and not 31 as accounted for.