Tassotti: “Fonseca will find a strong Milan. The club must not sell any big players”

Interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport For Mauro Tassotti, who spoke about Milan and what he expects from the Rossoneri club next season. These are his words: “Milan needs a deeper squad, with reinforcements in all departments. I think that Fonseca will find a strong team, equipped to do well, and I would start by not selling any of the big names. It’s true that the Rossoneri have arrived for two years away from first place in terms of points, but it is equally true that Napoli and Inter have done something extraordinary, the last two seasons have been truly special and Milan, in the one that has just ended, still finished second.

The market alone cannot solve everything. The coach’s ideas can help a club a lot. Having said that, some problems need to be resolved, I’m thinking of the too many goals scored last season. Fonseca will soon have to understand how to improve the reliability of the department and help from the market can make his task easier.

Then it will be a matter of broadening the discussion because, I repeat, the market is not a magic wand: in recent years Milan have defended in a certain way, more man against man and less on the defense, and they have also done well because that is how they have won a championship. Will the approach change with Fonseca on the bench? We’ll see”.