Scamacca responds to Spalletti: “If I were lazy I wouldn’t have reached this level at Atalanta”

Gianluca ScamaccaAtalanta striker, spoke to Sky Sports after the 2-3 defeat against Fiorentina, starting with the condition of teammate Scalvini: “I immediately went to see how Giorgio was and he seemed scared. I hope it’s nothing serious, it would be a shame for an injury like this at the end year… and in view of the European Championship”.

You could have overtaken Juventus today.
“When you take the field you always want to win, but the defeat absolutely does not erase what we have done and the incredible season we have completed.”

He has to play from the start to score, then?
“Today the coach told me to dispel this myth, but that’s fine, come on…”.

Were you thinking of such a positive season in Bergamo?
“Yes, I knew that by coming here I could do well but it’s normal that it took some time to settle in, to understand the coach and the tactics. With a little patience, however, we gained some satisfaction…”.

How do you get to the European Championship?
“Very good, mentally and physically. I will do everything to help the team reach their goal.”

What happened to you at Anfield?
“When you reach a certain awareness it’s like a drug: you always want more, you want to improve yourself. From that situation we came out strong and aware, we found the drive for this incredible season finale.”

How do you deal with always having to improve?
“It’s true that I can always give more and expand the repertoire, which is why I came here to Gasperini: he is the number one at bringing out talent, he was the first to believe in me and for this I thank him. I will continue to follow him as long as I am here”.

Spalletti called him lazy.
“I don’t know, honestly, if I had been lazy I wouldn’t have reached this level and in Atalanta. The coach sees it that way and he’s probably right, but I don’t feel lazy: I’m the first to enter and the last to leave Zingonia, but if he says so I will go in even earlier!”.