Sala: “I haven’t met Oaktree yet. I don’t know what the line might be on the stadium”

On the sidelines of the flag-raising ceremony for the celebrations of June 2nd in Milan, the mayor Giuseppe Sala he spoke about the San Siro stadium and the new ownership of Inter: “I have not yet met the representatives of Oaktree – he reports Football and Finance – new owners of Inter, and I don’t know what their line may be on the stadium. I’m waiting to see them because I need to know what the fate of San Siro will be.

WeBuild assured me that they will deliver the feasibility study by the end of June, it seems to me that they are already ahead with the work. I am sure that they will arrive at a feasible proposal, both in terms of costs and time of the operation and very limited problems in carrying out the sporting activity. Now it’s up to the teams to understand if they want to continue along the path of restructuring San Siro or for a stadium for each.”

“Two stadiums so close together cannot coexist” continued Sala, speaking of the Rossoneri stadium in San Donato and the Nerazzurri in Rozzano, as reported We know the territory and when we think of building something impressive, we think of the South of Milan because the North is completely anthropized. However, it means fitting into green areas and two stadiums so close it is obvious that they could not coexist. I don’t know how it is conceivable to build two plants like this very close to each other.”