Real Madrid, Militao: “Injury? Difficult days, now I’m very happy. And I will play in the Copa America”

The rupture of the cruciate ligament, 213 days out and a delay in his condition which further slowed his return. Until March 31st he got a taste of the pitch again, grinding out minutes to gradually get back to his own levels, with the aim of returning among the very successful in defense on a permanent basis. Let’s talk about Eder MilitaoBrazilian defender of real Madrid who yesterday took over in the last remnants of the final of Champions League against Borussia Dortmund at Wembley.

The class of ’98 obviously took part in the celebrations for the 15th Big Ears Cup won by Madrid, starting however from the story of this serious injury which debilitated him for almost an entire season. Even if it’s all behind us now: “They were difficult days – he admitted to the microphones of Movistar -, with the help of my family, my daughter… it’s a very complicated injury. I was in a great moment in my career and… but finally today (yesterday, ed.) we are here, celebrating and being very happy.”

And now…
“There is the Copa America, I will represent my country and give my best.”

It was a pain not to be able to play the final.
“It’s more difficult from the bench, you can’t help anyone, it’s very hard… Watching the game from the bench is very, very difficult.” At the end, a small aside with the daughter who takes the microphone away from Militao to close the interview.