Picerno, general manager Greco: “The coach was already chosen ten days ago, an agreement was reached immediately”

The general director of Picerno, Vincenzo Grecospoke to the microphones of LaCasadiC.com of the team’s future: “The coach was chosen ten days ago by me and Roberto Franzese, who this year will have a more operational role for the sporting part. Longo? We were thinking of doing another year together. After the match with Taranto he communicated his wishes to us and we respected it. After two or three days I had already identified the coach.”

Continuing, on the choice of the new coach: “I went straight my way and chose a coach who was free at the end of the season. We found an agreement right away. We had the positive feeling of entrusting him with the bench right from the start. For bureaucratic reasons and for the seriousness that distinguishes us, we prefer to first terminate the contract with Longo and then make the new coach official. Modify? I have a close friendship with him, but we have never talked about his possible arrival here in Picerno.”