Pescara, important maneuvers: Sebastiani still working on the sale of the club

In home Pescara something important is burning under the embers. The new start date for the major maneuvers is June 10th, because until then President Daniele Sebastiani he is involved in the matter of the sale of the club and will not give the green light to sporting director Daniele Delli Carri to accelerate. As today’s edition of The messengerthe deadline for submitting documentation and a guarantee for registration to the championship will expire on Tuesday, but on this front there will be no surprises because everything is ready.

Rather, there could be some news, despite the time now being very short: we will start pulling the strings only after the first ten days of June because progress has been made in terms of the entry of new investors (Lotito and Mezzaroma, for example). And it may not be necessary for the closing but also just a preliminary draft of an official agreement to the president Sebastiani to plan the season with the new partners or leave all the planning to them if the investors involved immediately take over the entire share package (an unlikely hypothesis). .