Niang retreats, or rather he doesn’t. Social media mystery, two stories about the attacker emerge: it’s a joke

“After thinking about it, my career as a footballer ends here.” And then, a few minutes later: “Tomorrow a press conference to explain my decision.” Phrases entrusted to two Instagram storiesremoved within a few minutes, published from the official profile of Mbaye Niangwhich after saving theEmpoli with the goal in the last minute he seemed ready to surprise everyone.

It’s a joke. As mentioned, the contents remained online for just a few seconds. Enough, however, for those who saw them to take screenshots and therefore for questions from many fans to be circulating online. Furthermore, Niang will turn 30 in December: he is no longer the boy from his time at Milan, but it seems decidedly too early to hang up his boots.

And in fact it shouldn’t be like this. According to initial reconstructions, it shouldn’t be anything other than the prank of a friend, who managed to access the Senegalese attacker’s cell phone. Hence the stories, and also their immediate cancellation. As for the future, Niang is tied to Empoli by a contract until 30 June 2025, given the automatic renewal triggered by salvation: this season, between the Turkish Super Lig and Serie A, he has largely relaunched himself, bringing home 14 goals and 2 assists in 30 games overall. There will be those who will knock on the door of the Tuscans. Unless there is a sensational withdrawal.