Naples, Conte will try to convince Di Lorenzo: he hopes for a clarification with the ADL

There really seems to be a rift between Giovanni Di Lorenzo and Napoli. The defender of the Neapolitan team and Luciano Spalletti’s national team is one of the symbolic players of the team that won its third championship just a year ago. A player who could end up at the center of the market if the rift with the club is not mended.

Back and forth
In the last few hours there has been a back and forth between agent Giuffredi and the company with the note issued who had responded to the prosecutor’s statements: “Calcio Napoli notes with surprise that, for the umpteenth time in a few days, Mr. Mario Giuffredi states that Giovanni Di Lorenzo will leave Napoli. It is necessary to underline that Di Lorenzo has a contract with Napoli for another 4 sporting seasons, he is not part of the group of players whose possible transfer to another club the club will evaluate and his possible transfer is therefore excluded.” Ready the new response of the market operator: “I take note of the note issued by Napoli on behalf of the President. However, I would like to remind everyone, including De Laurentiis, that our actions and decisions inevitably arise from his declarations (…). I reiterate that we will continue on our path, I will continue to work to ensure that the player leaves Naples.”

Conte’s hope
As reported in today’s edition of The morning, Antonio Conte’s hope is that once installed on the Napoli bench he can try to mend the rift. In fact, the Salento coach will be able to make an attempt in that direction in the hope that Di Lorenzo will be available for next season.