Fiorentina, Pradè makes it official: “Goodbye to Italiano. Everything changed with the cup”

The sporting director of Fiorentina Daniele Pradè spoke to the microphones of DAZNafter the match against Atalanta won 2-3.

Do you want to say something about the Conference final?
“It was a great pain. We must apologize to our fans, whom we did not thank. More than 10,000 in Athens and more than 30,000 at Franchi, in addition to the 3,000 at Viola Park. I apologize on behalf of the entire club: I want to make excuses, but we were overwhelmed by a situation of disbelief that led us not to be clear-headed in such a situation. I hug the fans one by one and we are sorry for not giving them the trophy.”

Which Fiorentina should we expect in the future?
“We spent 10 truly moving minutes in the locker room, we walked through a journey with Vincenzo. Until Friday our hope was to continue together and, with the cup, everything would change. We part ways professionally, but not on a human level. We have ideas clear and we are ambitious. We absolutely want to improve.”

You have had a great journey.
“We are proud of many things and aware of having done others wrong: we will try to improve. The pride is in having gone to every field to win: as a manager, a truly important thing.”

Is Palladino the right profile?
“He was spotted on Friday evening and we spoke to Vincenzo in the morning. We have to move, we have the maximum support of the president and now without Barone the sporting responsibility is mine. I will have to be clear in my choices.”