Farewell to Frosinone for Cheddira: “It is not easy to express immense gratitude”

Goodbye to Frosinone for Walid Cheddira. The Moroccan striker, having completed the season which ultimately brought about a bitter relegation to Serie B for the Ciociari, wanted to say goodbye to the Lazio team before returning to Napoli, who holds his contract. He did it via an Instagram post:

It is not easy to express the immense gratitude I feel for these colors, this club and above all this beautiful fan base. Every day I learned something that made me grow and I tried to repay the trust by always giving my all.

I thank the Company in all its components, the Mister and the Staff , all my teammates and of course the fans who never lacked their support. I am sure that the future will give Frosinone great new satisfaction.

Thanks for everything.

Today and forever “I get chills”

Go Leo!”.