Benevento, tonight the match against Carrarese: here is the list of coach Auteri’s squad

At the end of today’s training session, the coach of BeneventoGaetano Auterihas released the list of players called up for the return match of the Serie C Now Playoff Semifinals, against Carrarese.

22 Giangregorio Matteo
12 Manfredini Nicolò
24 Paleari Alberto


3 Benedetti Amedeo
20 Berra Philip
96 Capellini Riccardo
6 Meccariello Biagio
23 Rillo Francesco
28 Newfoundland Emmanuel
25 Viscardi Angelo


21 Agazzi Davide
16 Improta Riccardo
7 Karic Nermin
8 Kubica Krzysztof
31 Nardi Filippo
14 Pinato Marco
77 Rossi Riccardo
18 Simonetti Pier Luigi
38 Talia Angelo


98 Bolsius Don
30 Carfora Lorenzo
99 Ciciretti Amato
11 Ferrante Alexis
90 Lanini Eric
9 Marotta Alessandro
33 Perlingieri Mario
27 Starita Ernesto