Avellino, Fresta’s charge on social media: “Come on guys, take us to the final”

On the day of the decisive semi-final of Vicenzathe former striker ofAvellino Totò Hurry he returned to upload the square on social media with this message: “Are you people from Avellino? But what question is this, you are everywhere, you are the love that never ends. This year has certainly been full of good and bad moments for the team, but you have certainly put values ​​and humility in your repertoire that should never be lost.

There is nothing easy in life, but fighting and honoring this shirt and the awareness of being a strong team and having given everything are the right reasons to have no regrets, regardless of the result. Come on guys, take us to the final, a salute to the people of Avellino, who make sacrifices every day to follow these colors and journalists, we believe in them.”