Atalanta, Gasperini: “Renewal? Very strong bond. Real Madrid will be a sweet thought”

The Atalanta coach Gian Piero Gasperini spoke to the microphones of DAZNafter the home match lost 2-3 against Fiorentina.

Let’s start with the handshake with Orsato.
“Undeserved. I don’t know if the rule of retiring due to seniority is so fair. They should be evaluated more for their ability, compliments should be paid to him and he will make his experience available to the young referees. He still has a lot to give.”

How happy are you to live off all this and are you ready to sign a new contract?
“It’s not the priority: I have a contract and a very strong bond. We’ve had incredible days, now we’ll take a few days off. It’s been very hard, even if we haven’t felt the fatigue with the results. In a few days, we’ll start thinking about next season and we’ll come back with a match on August 14th. Was I joking, like when I say these things I say them as a joke and then they happen.”

How do you expect it against Real?
“Last night, when the result came, I was already watching Real Madrid a bit. We will certainly think about it a lot, it will be a sweet thought until August 14th.”

What are the things you won’t tolerate at the beginning of the retreat?
“Don’t be fat. Everyone can play football, except the fat ones. They won’t have time, between the European Championships and other things. We will resume on July 10th, those who continue with the national team will have 20 well-deserved days of vacation regardless. There will be arrivals at different times, we will have to adapt and we are hardened. We will have a great desire to start again.”

With what characteristics can Atalanta be improved?
“Everything can be improved, even Real Madrid can improve if they bring in Mbappé. Then we need to make the players feel good together. We want to improve the team, which will have even more attentive eyes than the opponents and this must lead us to improve.”

News on Scalvini?
“We are waiting, he went for the MRI and in a couple of hours we will have more certain news. The dynamics are not good, but I hope it is not the cruciate. We will put him back in place and he will become stronger than before.”