Sestri Levante, Musa and the background to the transfer market: “Last summer Latina wanted me”

Carlo Musasports director of Sestri Levante spoke to Sport in Oro on the sidelines of the Beppe Viola Tournament, currently taking place at the Trastevere Stadium in Rome, to talk about the Ligurians’ season and revealed some background on the transfer market:

“We were one of the clubs that used the most young people in the Serie C championship this season. In Lazio there is a big problem which is that of the structures, last year I was in Viterbo and we all know what happened with the stadium and the issue that dragged on with the Mayor. Last summer there was something with Latina but then they made other choices. I’m in northern Italy for the first time in my career and it’s a completely different reality because there are a lot of connections important with the main clubs of the higher categories”.

On the Serie C groups: “In group C less football is played and there is more competitiveness, in group B there is more play, you see higher quality players and coaches who offer more proactive football. The Lazio teams, when they end up in group C, they struggle especially when they play away because if you don’t have players with personality it becomes difficult.”