Sampdoria, hunt for new sporting director: Empoli’s Accardi is in pole position

Having gotten over the disappointment of the elimination in the first round of the playoffs and the failure to return to Serie A after just one year among the cadets, the Sampdoria is already working to better face next season. In this sense, it is important to fill in the sports director’s box with Pietro Accardi as the first name on the Dorian list. According to what he reports The 19th Centuryduring the weekend Matteo Manfredi And Alessandro Messina they will send an offer to the current director of Empoli, a club to which he still has one year of contract.

The figure will be a little lower than what he receives in Tuscany (around 700,000 euros net after last summer’s renewal), but the Sampdoria proposal will be multi-year, at least for two seasons, with a possible extension to 2026/2027. The candidatures of. always remain alive Giovanni Rossi, Javier Ribalta And Claudio Chiellini. Next week should be decisive for the choice. Also to be defined is the renewal of sporting director Andrea Mancini (contacts already initiated), appreciated by the Blucerchiati owners, and who among other things has already supported Accardi at Empoli in 2018/2019.