Pres. Virtus Francavilla assures: “We will do everything to return to Serie C, even with the repechage”

After the painful relegation to the Serie A during the playout derby against Monopoli, the president Antonio Magrì broke the silence and illustrated what Virtus Francavilla’s future programs will be in a press conference held at the Nuovarredo Arena. The top Biancazzurri manager began speaking by taking stock of the season just ended: “Mistakes have been made, and we must assume our responsibilities. I must apologize to the club for the relegation. These errors arose even before the start of the season, when a team that had disappointed us was dismantled and then a younger one was built, even if it didn’t go well for us. We were also in a hurry to make the coach’s first dismissal. The team was not up to the task. objective we had set.”

Magrì then clarified that Virtus will try to remain in Serie C by submitting, if possible, a request for a repechage: “We will do everything possible to be able to return to Serie C, we were relegated on the field in a deserved manner but I believe that in the third series we have done a lot to deserve to stay. A lot of investments have been made in recent years to see what the criteria for readmission and repechage will be. It will be an important figure who will take charge of the management by making choices based on the available budget. There have already been contacts in recent days, we will make our choice in our own time.”