Posters against Lotito appear in Rome: “Free Lazio”

(ANSA) – ROME, JUNE 01 – The challenge to the president of Lazio, Claudio Lotito, returns, with Lazio fans still targeting the number one. In fact, posters appeared in the streets of the capital against the Biancoceleste president, who according to the fans was guilty of not wanting to set up a team capable of competing with the big teams. “If you vote Forza Italia, you vote Lotito.

Libera la Lazio” we read on the posters with a blue background which, in the midst of the electoral campaign for the European elections, return to contest Lotito’s actions. A fracture that has never been healed between the Lazio fans and the president, fueled once again by the poor results of the club and the heavy air that reigns around Tudor and the team (ANSA).