Napoli, Lukaku is still the number one suspect for the attack: Guirassy the alternative

Napoli is ready to change a lot in attack. Next season will be very important for the Neapolitan club which is looking for redemption after a disappointing championship which ended in tenth place. Lots of outgoing and incoming movements. With the departures of Osimhen and Simeone, president Aurelio De Laurentiis’s Azzurri could insert quality pieces onto Antonio Conte’s board. Given that Lorenzo Lucca is a player of interest, his eyes would focus on something from the Salento coach.

Lukaku idea
According to what is reported in today’s edition of Corriere dello Sportthe Azzurri would be monitoring the name of Romelu Lukaku. The Belgian striker will return to Chelsea after a season spent in Rome where he scored 21 goals in 47 games played. The player is tied by a contract until 2025 with the Blues and by a clause worth around 44 million euros (37.5 million pounds) but 20-25 million could most likely be enough.

The alternatives
However, there should be several names in the notebook. The first is Serhou Guirassy of Stuttgart. The striker has a clause of 17.5 million euros but has high salary demands. The other names are Jorgen Strand Larsen of Celta Vigo e Nicolò Cambiaghi owned by Atalanta.