M.Orlando: “Lazio, there’s a storm in the air. And about Theo Hernandez-Milan I say…”

TMW Radio

The former footballer Massimo Orlando was a guest of Maracanatransmission of TMW Radio.

Who do you spare a thought for?
“At Fiorentina and Florence. They are experiencing football mourning. Two European finals lost in a row. I am close to the coach and players, they didn’t deserve this.”

Italian, does the final change your opinion on him?
“I believe that he has done well in the three years, it is obvious that three lost finals have an impact on the final evaluation. In this final, after the criticism, he did not want to take risks and changed his way of playing football. I preferred aggressive football, but the two finals he lost last year affected him. And then he lacked the quality of the individuals, with the best disappearing from the pitch.”

Lazio, particular situation:
“There’s a storm in the air. I would be sad to lose Tudor if I were a Lazio fan. It seems like the right profile to start from, but maybe there are no guarantees on the market.”

Spalletti spoke from Coverciano and said that Fagioli is there by technical choice and that he has everything he needs:
“I love Luciano, but for what Fagioli did he didn’t deserve the call-up. Once the year off began again, he would start again and evaluate himself. It’s a prize he doesn’t deserve. If he then enters the squad permanently and helps us win the Europeans, I would not have rewarded him like this now.”

What is certain is that those who have been left out may be affected by Fagioli’s call:
“Of course. If I had been in the national team for a year, I smell the European Championship and I get a boy who is talented but still stuck for that reason…Without taking anything away from Fagioli, who made a mistake and paid for it , but in my opinion some of those excluded will not speak well of Spalletti.”

Milan, possible offer for Theo Hernandez of 80 million. What would you do?
“I think it depends a lot on the market that Milan will make. If they think they can make a transfer with that money, it’s ok to sell him, but if they want to keep him and strengthen it’s different. For me, they only need 2-3 players to be truly competitive. If the fund says to afford to give up 80 million, I’ll keep him, but he must also be stimulated by a market that makes Milan competitive in Italy and Europe.”