Lecco sanctioned for the Bonazzoli-Malgrati duo: last chapter of a season that started badly

Lecco’s season was certainly not the smoothest with several problems that arose after the play-off victory against Foggia when the structural limitations of the Rigamonti-Ceppi stadium risked jeopardizing the club’s entry into Serie B, giving the via a series of appeals – on the part of Foggia, but not only given that Brescia (later readmitted to Serie B in place of Reggina), Perugia and also Reggina itself and Siena also came into play – which brought the matter to a close only on August 29th with the championship already started and the transfer market about to close, forcing the Lombard club into a truly endless chase.

A season made up of arguments, protests, disorderly exits by owner Paolo Leonardo Di Nunno and bench changes (Foschi, Bonazzoli-Malgrati, Aglietti and again Malgrati) ended with relegation to Serie C. A nightmare season that is continuing now that it has ended with a transfer that doesn’t seem to reach the turning point and the Lecco number one who first announces that he will still enroll the team in Serie C as a last act for a place with which he has now definitively broken and from which he wants to escape, and then he takes it all back by explaining that he won’t make the necessary surety e will leave the club in the hands of the Municipality.

The last chapter is from the day just gone by with the club fined for the Bonazzoli-Malgrati management: with the first, disqualified for a month, who appeared as first coach, but in reality did not carry out that task, leaving it to Malgrati, who appeared as deputy as he was not qualified to coach. A situation that many hypothesized and which was eventually revealed by the FIGC which sanctioned the club and the protagonists of the affair. A last chapter in perfect line with the season.