Lecce, Sticchi Damiani: “After the salvation I thanked D’Aversa. Gotti? Let’s plan together”

Saverio Sticchi Damianipresident of Lecce, gave an interview to the portal ILovePalermoCalcio during which he took stock of the season, which ended with salvation: “Was there a moment in which I feared I wouldn’t make it? Certainly when we had to resort to a change of technical leadership, the trend of the team It was worrying. We had started very well, then in the central part we encountered some difficulties, also due to a calendar that predicted direct clashes for us in the final phase of the tournament. Then with Gotti the team regained its early season shine, hitting the title The objective of salvation is therefore extremely positive.”

Will Gotti therefore be a fixed point from which to start again?
“The contract stipulated with him provided for automatic renewal in the event of salvation. He is a coach who deserves words of appreciation for what he has done in our reality. As normal as it is at this moment we are talking so that we can establish a sharing of technical lines beyond beyond the sole contractual aspect”.

Do you hope for greater continuity from Kristovic next season?
“Apart from the goals, Kristovic also made a contribution to the team in the central part of the season. This year he arrived from a minor league like the Slovakian one. Now he will be able to prepare for the next season with us starting from the summer training camp. This will be able to provide further insights regarding the possible judgment against him”.

What would you feel like saying to D’Aversa?
“I told him what I had to tell him on the day we were saved. I hadn’t heard from him since the day of his exemption and on the occasion of his salvation I sent him a message to thank him for the twenty-five points he brought, a precious and not to be taken for granted gift.”