Inter, Lautaro background: he accepted because he understood that the rope was tight

Lautaro Martinez started with a request of 12 million euros per year, then decided to retreat in good order when he realized that the rope was too tight. To tell it is La Gazzetta dello Sport which explains how the Argentine started from a decidedly higher base than what was then agreed with Inter: 9 million per year plus bonuses until 30 June 2029. Remaining firm on one’s positions would have soured the relationship and, probably , the rope was broken, as happened between Dybala and Juventus a few seasons ago.

Lautaro Martinez took his time until yesterday morning, then said yes to the proposal. The player’s agent, Alejandro Camano, understood how his work in Milan was finished, so much so that in the afternoon he had already embarked for Madrid. There is not yet an official response via certified mail, but it is also true that we have to wait for Oaktree to settle – which will take place on Tuesday 4 June – to then be able to get the signatures. In addition to Lautaro, the foundations have already been laid for the renewals of Inzaghi – until 2027 – and Barella, until 2029.

These, in short, are Oaktree’s first moves. And Lautaro, whose contract expires in two years, probably had no intention of following in the footsteps of Skriniar, the former captain who later ended up at Paris Saint Germain on a free transfer.