Giannichedda: “Lazio, I expect clarity immediately. Breakup with Tudor? I think not”

Giuliano Giannicheddaspoke to the notebooks he spoke about Lazio: “Above all I expect clarity, immediately. It was necessary to have planned beforehand, but now it is even more necessary to do so immediately. Lazio must understand the direction in which to go and the players to take. They must identify what the roles are of greatest emergency and what the exact profiles to go for to cover the obvious holes this season. The teams are all gearing up and if you want to have a high ranking championship you have to be good at finding valid players the line to follow.

It is clear that Lazio had bought players who suited Sarri and now Tudor needs players with different characteristics. Already if we think about the attacking midfielders it is clear that this team cannot be good for the new coach. Playing 4-3-3 or 3-4-2-1 is completely different. If Lazio has decided to focus on Tudor they will now have to buy the players suited to their formation.

Break with Tudor? I honestly think not, it would be a paradox. Sarri left and Lazio decided to focus on Tudor, changing again would be absurd. In this summer transfer market the club will have to sign at least five or six important players and doing so in a less than positive climate would not be good. It is clear that in football we are used to the fact that anything can always happen. What is said today may no longer be true tomorrow and everything is constantly evolving. Beyond everything, however, the sooner we can clarify this situation, the better.”