Fiorentina, Nico Gonzalez is no longer untransferable. Commisso will listen to the offers

Nico Gonzalez is no longer untransferable for Fiorentina. Because the colorless – if not excusing – ordeal of the night in Athens has brought new question marks over his future. He is the tenth, the highest paid of the squad, who had no impact on his third final at all. The extenuating circumstances are over for everyone, even for those considered the best.

Twelve months ago Gonzalez was pictured crying at the Eden Arena of Prague, while the same photo is no longer valid twelve months later, at the end of a three-year technical project.

A 106 minute appearanceas portrayed by The Corriere dello Sport which leads it towards transferability. He will have a Copa America as a protagonist, but for some in Florence he has become the problem. Until recently, Commisso had refused all requests – the latest being that of Brentford, 40 million last August – while now he will at least listen to them. Gonzalez himself might think that his experience in Florence is over, but the problem is – if anything – in the contract: it expires on 30 June 2028, so the offer will have to be substantial. Maybe, in fact, thanks to a continental competition to play as the defending champion (and hope to win it again).