Zaffaroni greets Feralpisalò: “Gratitude for you. Start again from solid foundations”


It is with the official note that we report below, that the “Feralpisalò announces that the collaboration relationship with coach Marco Zaffaroni will not continue next season.
Feralpisalò thanks Marco Zaffaroni for having led the Verdeblù First Team with dedication and professionalism, embodying the fundamental values ​​of the Club from day one. The club also extends its thanks to Alessandro Gazzi”.

The trainer greeted the club thus: “I thank the Leoni del Garda for the opportunity and express gratitude towards the owners, managers, team, staff, sending a special thought to the green and blue fans who have never stopped supporting the team during this intense path. I am proud of the attitude, attachment and stubbornness that we have always shown. It didn’t end as we hoped, but this club will be able to start again from solid foundations. Good luck, Feralpisalò”.