Vlahovic is increasingly a leader and Fagioli wants to become Juve’s director

There are no problems between Juventus and Thiago Motta, despite some rumors that came out yesterday. The agreement between the club and the former Bologna coach is total and will last until June 2027, everything ready to be signed and made official within a maximum of ten days. Thiago Motta never asked for 5 million wages per season, but the total of this operation will exceed 4 million euros, also counting his staff.
The marriage between Juventus and the Italian-Brazilian coach will take place and it is only a matter of days.

Vlahovic increasingly leader of Juve to come.
Dusan Vlahovic continues to send messages as a true leader to all the fans of the Old Lady. DV9, via his Instagram profile, took stock of the season just passed, but immediately thinking about the next one: “With a heart full of emotion I want to thank everyone for the season that has just ended. Thanks to the club for giving me the opportunity to wear this shirt and take the field with great pride. To our incredible fans, you were our twelfth man on the pitch, always supporting us, both in difficult and joyful moments. Together we have fought, suffered and celebrated, reaching these goals. Lifting the Italian Cup was a magical moment that I will always carry in my heart. Next season we will have the Champions League and I can’t wait to give my contribution. We are one team family and together we want to demonstrate what it means to be Juventus.” The Juventus number 9 will now only think about the next European Championship, where his Serbia will have to face teams such as: England, Denmark and Slovenia. Vlahovic’s growth will also pass through his national team, especially in view of the next Champions League.

Fagioli and a future as a director in front of the defense.
Nicolò Fagioli is trying to put behind him a difficult period which also led to his disqualification for 8 months due to his gambling addiction. The Juventus number 21, in a long interview with the Gazzetta dello Sport, also spoke about his hypothetical change of role: “I would like it. I was born as an attacking midfielder, a disappearing role. Then Pirlo and Allegri made me understand that I could line up in front of the defense and lead the game. Now I feel ready to do it, even if I still have the desire to score every now and then. Juventus has five competitions ahead of them. It will be great to play every three days. That’s what I like. And next year our goal, as always for Juve, is to win the Scudetto.” Now Fagioli will try to convince Spalletti to get a place in the 26 for Euro 2024, but the worst is over and Juventus want to build next season’s midfield around him.