Schwoch blesses Ferrari: “Among the leaders of Vicenza. He has physical structure and mentality”

TMW Radio

Third place in the final scorers’ ranking of Group A of Serie C (with 13 goals scored, five of which were scored from penalties), and Vicenza’s key man not only during the regular season but also in the playoffs: striker Franco Ferrari has taken the stage among the red and whites, and with his team he is now preparing for the return semi-final within the friendly walls of the ‘Menti’, where Avellino will arrive on Sunday evening: we start from the 0-0 in the first leg, but in the event of further parity – from this round – there will be extra time and penalties.

Of the player, on the frequencies of TMW Radio in transmission To All Cthose who know about goals spoke about the attacker, former goalscorer Stefan Schwoch, also an all-time Serie B striker with 135 goals in his career. Here are his words: “He is a point of reference for the red and whites, but he needs a team around him, he is not a player who manages to create opportunities alone. But he has an important physical structure, in aerial play he is almost unstoppable , and in any case he also has a great mentality: I have never seen him protest against a teammate, he is always available to everyone. He is a footballer who fights, he never backs down, he is a precious element, one of the leaders of the locker room. of those who, as they say, pull the cart to take Vicenza to where it belongs.”