Sacchi approves Juve’s choice: “Motta is a strategist in a country dominated by tacticians”

Giuntoli is betting on Thiago Motta to make Juventus great again: is he the right choice? To answer the question, through the pages of Libero, is Arrigo Sacchi: “I say yes. I like Thiago a lot. He was a good player and he will become an excellent coach. He did very well in Bologna, Motta is really good. He is a strategist in a country dominated by tacticians who play on the defensive and on players’ mistakes others. Juventus has always had tactical coaches, with Thiago there will be a turning point in terms of play and ideas.”

What are tactical coaches?
“Those who make you spend a lot of money because they don’t believe in the game and in the team, so they only want the best players role by role to make up for the lack of ideas. Tacticians play a game that isn’t a real game. Football is a sport offensive and team which the tacticians have transformed into individual and defensive”.

Gasperini made Atalanta great on an international level. Is he the best Italian coach?
“He is certainly one of the best in the world. This year I also mention Inzaghi among the top. Simone has evolved a lot, becoming more and more a strategist. The leap in quality made by Inter in terms of play is there for all to see” .