Preziosi: “Thiago Motta is ready for Juve. Gasp? I’m happy, we’re friends”

Thiago Motta he is ready to train the Juventus. Word of the person who brought the Italian-Brazilian to Italy as a player. Enrico Preziosiformer president of Genoahe talked about it like this to “Several times I have supported his value and his nature as a European-style coach. He is more than ready to compete with a reality like that of Juventus. His exploits at Bologna did not surprise me as did the excellent work done from Palladino to Monza and from Gilardino to Genoa”.

Gasperini won the Europa League, is he happy?
“We are friends, we love each other and I am his sponsor. For these reasons his success made me very happy. Now he will have found the necessary ideas to continue his story with Atalanta. He is very close to his family and the club in which he works and I remember that in my time the choice to separate was more mine than his”.

And Como in Serie A?
“After so many years it was right that he returned to the top flight. The team has a solid club behind it, in which people with great abilities work. I think we will hear a lot about it in positive terms.”

Do you miss football?
“Absolutely not. I have already given my contribution, without receiving what I deserved. After all, gratitude is not part of this world.”