Inter, we need a younger centre-back to include in the squad: the wish is Buongiorno

Francesco Acerbi will miss the European Championship due to the groin pain he has been living with for the entire season and which forced him to stop for a few weeks after he won the championship. The defender, as everyone hopes, will resolve the pubalgia issue, but he will turn 37 in February; while De Vrij, his main alternative, has 32. Insert a younger central defender into the squad, who can then take up the legacy of the two – he underlines Tuttosport – it was and is a necessity for Inter

Having said that the purchase of an assistant to Sommer remains a priority, the club could decide to purchase the aforementioned defender and postpone the search for a striker with technical characteristics different from those already available to Inzaghi until the second half of the transfer market. Clearly, the club’s economic stakes, already reiterated by Oaktree, do not change, so to finance the purchase, the managers will have to raise funds from the sales of young players or redundant players.

For months the great desire – continues Tuttosport -, leads to Buongiorno del Torino. The Granata center back is attracted to Inter, but he costs a lot (Cairo values ​​him at 40-45 million and will wait for the European Championship to take any offers into consideration). Buongiorno would like the transfer to Inter, but this does not mean he closes the door to other solutions, namely Milan, Napoli and the Premier League. The other names? Bijol from Udinese, but also Schuurs, also from Turin.