Fiorentina, the Italian cycle ends: face to face with Commisso before the farewell

The Corriere Fiorentino on newsstands this morning he takes stock of the Fiorentina coach Vincenzo Italianoreturning to the coach’s words after the Conference League final lost to Olympiacos: “I spoke with the president and in the next few days we will discuss things again and see what my future and that of Fiorentina will be – said Italiano after the lost final — for me this team has laid incredible foundations in three years, with many young people who will have an enormous wealth of experience. We need to understand where to intervene to make the group grow further but I am convinced that many guys will stay.”

Face, words, conjugations that leave little doubt. Italian is seen far from Fiorentina. In fact, the coach has told the managers and Commisso himself several times that he considers his career in Florence closed and there is nothing to suggest that he might change his mind. In short, the last meetings will probably be used to say the last things to each other in person, and then say goodbye in a meeting with the president and management.

His future could be in Bologna, although it is not a given. According to what filters from Casteldebole, Italiano’s candidacy is still strong but evaluations continue given that Sartori has been to Franchi on many occasions to study the coach. A few more days anyway, and he’ll know more. Also because until Wednesday evening Italiano had put aside any topic other than the final with Olympiacos. Now, however, even if Sunday’s match against Atalanta remains, thoughts of him can turn to the future.