Cagliari, reconstruction begins. A hot June for society, with possible arrivals, departures and question marks

After the hangover from the party, with greetings especially to Mr. Ranieri, everyone sober to plan the future. It was a stressful year, with many, perhaps too many, ups and downs that affected the mood of a place that was always faithful to its colors. In the end everyone is happy and contented for a salvation obtained by a hair’s breadth, but not for this reason it is badly accepted.

Now the scenarios that open up must be positioned in the best possible way. Many players this year will certainly have to be rotated, either for reasons of actual requests (see Nandez who has already said goodbye in his own way) or due to the end of the relationship with the rossoblù club. Pavoletti, Mancosu, Petagna will probably find themselves having to look for other destinations that can satisfy their needs after having spent most of the championship that has just ended on the bench due to more or less debilitating injuries.

The reconstruction will necessarily have to start from some young players currently in the squad who will be called upon to raise the bar of technical improvement that can transfer them without hesitation into the top category. And if Prati and Luvumbo himself have highlighted that they have reached such a level of technical solidity that they can aspire to become safeties in the future, some others like Obert still have to work, and a lot, to carve out a place for themselves in the sun. Then there is Oristanio, who will have to be redeemed by Inter, without forgetting the gem Kingstone, scorer of a Euro-goal on the last day against Fiorentina and who has highlighted innate qualities such as to be counted among the promises of a sector youth that Fabio Pisacane is shaping on his own.

Elements capable of supporting the technical weight of the complex will be inserted into this young framework. The new technical guide, who will take Ranieri’s place, will have to express his opinion on what will be the priorities to express his idea of ​​the game. Starting from the safeties, which at the moment are identified in players like Mina and Dossena, cornerstones of the back line, but also Makoumbou, provided that the latter improves in managing the ball and in improving his contribution when he is called upon to play the role of director.

The question marks on what the future of elements like Deiola or Zappa could be are left to the choices of the new coach. Who will have to completely rebuild the offensive phase, given that few will remain. Gaetano has already said thank you and said goodbye, Shomurodov will have to do the same. Pavoletti and Petagna are unknowns due to their physical problems and Lapadula will go to play among the cadets, a category in which he has always shone. The word now passes to the company, for which a hot June is about to begin and which will have to find the right balance between income and expenditure.