Bruno Peres calls Serie A: “The time has come to return, I’m ready”

TMW exclusive

Bruno Peres is ready to get back on track and dreams of Italy where he lived for five and a half years, divided between Turin and Rome. After returning to Brazil, the right winger embarks on a new adventure at the age of 34. He talks exclusively to the microphones of Tuttomercatoweb:

Bruno Peres, first of all how are you?
“I’m fine and I want to start again. My agent is now in Europe where he is doing some work and when he comes back he will bring me news.”

Is something cooking?
“I returned to Brazil and I was able to enjoy my family, the affection of loved ones. But after playing almost 10 years in Europe I got used to a certain type of football. So I want to return to play in Europe.”

Are you thinking of returning to Italy?
“Why not? I would like it because it is a country that has welcomed me very well.”

Have you got an idea of ​​where you would see yourself? In the meantime, ambitious teams such as Parma and Como are moving up to Serie A
“Parma has a wonderful history for Italian football, but I don’t have a precise idea about the team. Even speaking with my agent recently I didn’t get any clues from him.”

Your last appearance dates back to December with the Athletico Paranaense shirt
“After the contract was over I evaluated the offers. 2-3 came in but they weren’t successful. Something came from the second division but it was a hypothesis that I didn’t want to take into consideration. Better to wait and stay with my family that gives me the strength to carry on.”

How do you evaluate the level of Brazilian football?
“The level is good, also great players have returned or will return: Marcelo and Thiago Silva are two examples. But then it always depends on the team you go to play for.”

Ten years have passed since you arrived in Italy, at Torino. And there was even the risk that the transfer would fail
“I remember there was the problem of the non-EU slot, if a player didn’t come out first nothing could be done about it. In the end the situation was resolved and my wonderful adventure began.”

The figure of Gian Piero Ventura was very important for you
“I have great affection for Ventura, as if he were a father. He taught me so many things. When I was at Torino he was one of those people who never told me ‘well done’, he never paid me a compliment. He explained it to me day that I was moving to Roma.”

What did he tell you?
“He told me: ‘I never complimented you because I was afraid that you would lose your mind’. He massacred me, but he did it for my good because he wanted me to grow. He encouraged me, he taught me many things and made me be a great man. I found him when I was in Rome and he was coaching the national team, it was a great moment.”

You remained in the hearts of the Granata fans for that crazy goal in the derby
“The best goal I ever scored, I don’t know how long it will be remembered for. Vidal chased me and never caught me, in the end he had to come to Brazil, to Athletico Paranaense, where I also played to do it (laughs, ed.) It was historic because it had been 12 years since Toro had scored in the derby, but the best thing was on the return leg where we won, it hadn’t happened for 20 years to see the Toro fans crying with joy.”

In Rome there were more difficulties
“A complicated place but the people love you to death, they have enormous respect and affection. After two years in Rome I wanted to return to Brazil because dad and mom had problems and I decided to stay close to them, I couldn’t leave them alone I could have also returned to Turin, Petrachi called me then he was the one who moved to Roma. For me it was a wonderful experience and every time I have the chance to return there are always nice words and big hugs. They love me and this isn’t it I can forget. When I can I still follow the Giallorossi, time zone permitting.”

In the meantime, your former teammate De Rossi has become coach of the Giallorossi
“Daniele was already a coach on the pitch, he loved responsibility. I’m pleased to see him at the helm of Roma, because he has always been a humble and intelligent person, with great ideas. He is doing very well and in my opinion he will grow a lot because he had this in his mind He will become great. Of course, it has a certain effect on me to see him in this role having shared the locker room with him.”

Do you also see yourself as a coach in the future?
“I don’t think so and to be honest I don’t see myself in this world. Maybe I’ll stay, but as an agent. After all, I already suggest players to my agent, I do 50% of the work for him (laughs, ed.)”.

“Not having scored in the Capital derby”.