Bologna, all about Italiano: a three-year contract worth 2.5 million per season is ready

Bologna awaits Vincenzo Italiano’s yes to officially open the new era: the Fiorentina coach has been chosen by the rossoblù club to replace Thiago Motta, promised husband of Juventus. The rossoblù club – he writes The Corriere di Bologna – wants to close the operation quickly to avoid insertions:
On the table is an agreement for a total of three years, to be defined whether with the 2+1 or flat three-year formula, with a salary close to 2.5 million per season.

After the contacts of the last few days – with Fiorentina and with Italiano’s agent, Fali Ramadani – the beginning of next week should be the key moment for the meeting between Italiano and Bologna and the subsequent white smoke, in the same hours in which the signing of Thiago Motta on the three-year contract with Juventus is expected in Portugal.

Emilio De Leo in Spring
With qualification for the next Champions League, Bologna’s Primavera team will participate in the Youth League. As he writes La Gazzetta dello Sport Bologna’s idea is to entrust the Primavera bench to Emilio De Leoone of Sinisa Mihajlovic’s deputies.