Bellomo case, lawyer D’Onofrio: “He risks a long disqualification. Possible penalty for Bari”

The sports justice code provides not only a sanction for the case in which a member places a bet on a football matchbut also the more serious hypothesis consisting in having directly contributed to the realization of the event which was the subject of the bet, with acts aimed at altering the normal course of the competition”. The lawyer Paco D’Onofrioan expert in sports law, speaks thus to the microphones of analyzing the opening of the federal investigation into the deportation of Nicola Bellomo on the occasion of the return match of the play out against Ternana after the revelation of Daily fact on an anomalous flow of bets on red on the Apulian midfielder in the hours preceding the match.

“In these cases, the sanctions are particularly severe – continues D’Onofrio speaking of the risks faced by Bari – consisting of months/years of disqualification for the member directly involved and penalty points for the club with which he is registered, depending title of strict liability, pursuant to art. 30 CGS FIGC”.

In any case, the sanction should not affect the result on the pitch: “The sanctions should not fall in the current season, because it ends before a possible sentence“.