Alessandria, today the long-awaited meeting with the Mayor: the fate of the club will be known

A crucial day, the one that today awaits theAlexandriabecause the much requested meeting with the Mayor should take place: as we read in the newspaper La Stampa-Alessandriathis morning at 11:00 the ownership of the gray club, represented by the president Andrea Molinaro and the General Director Giulio Maione, will meet the mayor Giorgio Abonante and the Sports Councilor Vittoria Oneto. From this meeting, we will know the fate of a society that seems to be increasingly in disarray.

First the relegation, then the six penalty points to be served next season, now everything else, with a deadline – June 4th – now upon us. And the question of the ‘Moccagatta’ stadium, of vital importance due to the insolvency of Alessandria itself in the management and use contract of the facility (also home, we remember, of Juventus Next Gen).

Today, however, solutions will have to be found, and on the table, according to what we read in the previously mentioned newspaper, there are two. “The first involves the entry of new financing partners capable of giving the president of the Grays some breathing space while at the same time allowing him to plan the next season. The second hypothesis, perhaps the most probable, is the one that would see Andrea Molinaro take on personally the most immediate costs”, and then proceed with the sale of the company. The anticipation grows.