4 rounds for covering the logo against homophobia: Monaco approves Camara’s disqualification

During Thursday’s hearing before the LFP disciplinary commission, the Monaco midfielder Mohamed Camara he was banned for four matches. During the last day of the championship, the Principality player covered the logo against homophobia, also refusing to carry out awareness-raising actions against this type of discrimination.

Thiago Darkgeneral manager of the Principality club, at the microphones of RMC Sports made it known that the club agrees with the disqualification imposed on the Malian midfielder: “We will respect the commission’s decision. From the beginning the club’s position was very clear. We support the cause, the action of the LFP.

We are truly sorry and apologize again for the behavior of one of our players. For this reason we fully respect the decision. Our internal sanctions have already been given. We prefer to keep them inside the venue. We will work to ensure this does not happen again. The League has more elements than us to make this decision.”